My Life in the Islands

I currently live in a small town in the San Juan islands which is located just a few miles south of Vancouver Island, Canada, and northwest of the mainland of the United States. I'm incredibly lucky to be living in such an amazing place. A little over ten years ago, my parents and I moved to the island knowing almost nothing about what it would be like. It's hard to imagine now what it would be like to live anywhere else. There are so many things about living here that amaze me every day: from the small-town community to the wildlife and the seemingly endless amount of hiking trails and beaches. It's easy to take it all for granted if you don't stop sometimes to appreciate it. I've been asked a few times why I decided to go on exchange when I live in such a beautiful place, but for me, it's not so much about leaving somewhere as it is going somewhere.
I've always loved traveling. When I was six years old, I went on a trip with my family to Europe, where we stayed in Germany for two weeks, visiting the Netherlands and Belgium as well during our stay. I loved every minute of it, and I remember more details from that trip than I do most other trips I've taken in my life. I think the trip must have been what pushed my curiosity and love for travel, (as well as how much I love flying in planes). Especially recently, with multiple visits across the border into Canada to visit friends or go sightseeing, or even trips to other places in the states, I've enjoyed traveling and experiencing new places more and more. At school, my Spanish teacher made learning a language both challenging and fascinating, and soon I was burying myself in books and articles about different places, languages, and cultures. When I learned about exchange, it seemed like the perfect combination of everything I find interesting. Hearing stories from my friends who had been or were currently exchange students only made it more appealing. Although I know it will be difficult to leave all my family and friends behind, (not to mention the beautiful place where I live,) to me, my exchange year will be not only a chance to go on another adventure, but a great learning experience as well.
I'll be posting more on my progress in finding out the details of my exchange in the coming weeks.